Therapy for Therapists, Professionals, and High Achievers

Anywhere in Oregon and California

You’re drowning in it.

Life is fricken busy.

As a busy professional, your calendar probably looks like a game of Tetris. You hardly have time to schedule that call with Karen in marketing or try and squeeze another client into your oozing-out-of-the-seems schedule; how the hell are you going to have time to work on your mental health?

The thing is… prioritizing your mental health is actually going to give you MORE time in the long-term.

Hear me out.

How often do you feel burnt out? How often do you feel anxiety creeping in? How’s your sleep schedule looking? Yep, a little more than you’d like and it wearing on you. Like old, holy, sock worn out. Not that YOU are this said sock…I’m just saying.

Ok so not paying attention to your mental health has ended up rearing its ugly head in other areas of your life. It has lead to a lack of productivity, arguments with our friends and family, and just a whole lot of headaches, great grey hair, and heart palpitations..

So, what do you do?

The Busy Life Edition

It’s time to get back on track.

Through talk therapy and effective Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), we work together to retrain your thoughts, and create a positive impact on your day-to-day mental health.

CBT is all about understanding your thinking, and then shifting the way you think to better work for you. Anxiety and stress likes to put us into ‘thought traps’. These ‘traps’ are negative loops of thinking which veer us off course.

“I can’t do this because…”
“I need to do it all myself…”
“Everyone else is so much better at this than I am…”

These negative loops that anxiety traps us in are:
a) Not true.
b) Holding you back in life.

It’s time to rewrite the story. It’s time to take back your life.

Now I know what you’re thinking… “Ash, I just don’t have the time!”.

I hear you. AND I’m also going to challenge you on this.

Carving out the time to put yourself first (and no this doesn’t mean your selfish, it’s self love) is going to pay off in the long run.

Less burnout, less grey hair, less overwhelm, less arguments with your kids, spouse, friends…the mail man. (Yeah we don’t have to get into that one).

Plus, I’ve got a flexible schedule and I offer teletherapy to suit whatever schedule (no matter how Tetris-like it looks).

And it all begins with just 15 minutes of your time…

You’re thinking, “What IS CBT therapy?”

I gotchu.

Choosing to invest your time in therapy is an important decision. You want to make sure you have all the facts.

I mean, through choosing to start therapy, you’re choosing to prioritize yourself, and that’s a big deal. You’re fricken awesome, and I am so stoked for you to get started!

Our sessions will be 1:1 via video call or phone call. Within your session, we can dive into whatever areas of your life you want to focus on. Anxiety around work? Yep let’s go there! Social anxiety in groups?

Let’s talk about it.

During our sessions, we’ll work to identify the thoughts where these anxieties originate. From there, we’ll work to understand why these thoughts form and how we can rewrite them. Bam! Change your thoughts, change your life. #winningatlife.

A.K.A. living your badass life on the regular.

That’s exactly what CBT is. Talk therapy that focuses on how to manage life by changing our thoughts and behaviors.

I know, I know. That sounds a little dramatic, right? How can I “think” my way out of anxiety?

But the brain is a powerful thing. Capable of impacting so much of our life. Imagine if we could start to get our brain to work FOR us rather than against us. Umm that sounds awesome, where do I sign up?

Goodbye, Anxiety!

Say good-f*cking-bye to anxiety.

Even if you’re not *quite* there yet, I encourage you to take just 15 minutes out of your day to chat with me to see whether CBT and anxiety therapy is a good fit for you as the badass therapist, professional, or high achiever that you are.

Let’s get to work!

Finally be able to breathe again, and keep being the badass high achiever you are!