Answers to your questions.

  • The process is easy to get started! Click the “Book Free 15min Consult” button to schedule your phone call with me.

    During our initial phone consultation, we discuss what you’re looking for in a therapist, your needs and goals for treatment, pricing and scheduling.

    If we both agree that we are a good fit to work together, we will schedule your intake session and you’ll be sent intake forms to complete and send back before your intake appointment.

  • $100- 25min session

    $200- 50min session

    $280- 75min session

    Payment: Sessions must be paid in full at or before the time of service. Clients are required to securely save a debit or credit card in their client portal, so we do not have to take time for payment during session. I do not bill for services, or carry account balances. All major credit cards are accepted.

    *If you do not show up the scheduled appointment, or if you late cancel (within 48hrs of appointment), I will charge your card the full fee of the session.*

    Additional Support Fee:

    -If support is needed outside of our regular sessions, $200 is the fee charged per hour for reports, letters, consultations, travel time for out of office services, and telephone calls made on your behalf. Additional time will be rounded up to the nearest half-hour. These services must be paid in advance.

    -If court appearances are needed, this service will be billed at $200 per hour, including travel time, and preparation time. A “half-day” minimum retainer of $800 is required. Fees must be paid in full at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled court date. All court-ordered counseling and other special situations require a retainer to be paid prior to any work being performed. Please discuss this with myself prior to your first appointment.

  • I currently do not accept insurance. Unfortunately, many therapists, including myself, can’t afford to accept the reimbursements that insurance companies offer while still providing the quality of care we believe our clients deserve.

    I accept degit/credit cards at the time of the appointment. I do not bill insurance; however, I provide you with a superbill at the end of each month that you can submit to your insurance company. Before booking an appointment, I suggest calling the number on the back of your insurance card, inquiring about your “out of network” therapy benefits and learning about how to submit an out-of-network reimbursement claim.

  • A superbill is a detailed invoice outlining the services a client received. Therapists may need to generate a superbill when they are not on a client’s insurance company’s panel. The client submits the superbill directly to the insurer, giving the insurer all the information they need to pay the claim.

  • Cancellation: I require 48 hours notice for cancellation. Appointments canceled with less than 48hrs. notice will be charged the full session rate.

    No Shows: If a client “no shows” for a scheduled appointment, they will also be charged at the full session fee.

    Late Rescheduling: If I am not given 48hrs notice for rescheduling or you log into session from a state other than California or Oregon, the session will be canceled and you will be charged at the full session rate.

    -I am licensed in the states of California & Oregon. This means, you are allowed to login to session from anywhere as long as you are physically located in one of these states at the time of our appointment.

    -If you anticipate traveling outside the states of California or Oregon during a scheduled appointment, please let me know and I will reschedule your upcoming appointment for a later date, when you’ve returned to either state.

    -State Board regulations for therapy licensure only allows sessions to be held in the state(s) the therapist is licensed in.

    **If clients continuously late cancel or no-show, we will discuss if continuing therapy together is appropriate**

  • What you choose to share with a therapist is confidential as long as the therapist does not suspect certain dangerous conditions. Therapists are Mandated Reporters. Mandated Reporters are people required by law to report suspected or known abuse or neglect relating to children, elders, dependent adults, suicidal intention, homicidal intention or if the client is gravely disabled and cannot care for themselves, the law states that as a Mandated Reporter, we are required to report the situation to the proper authorities.

    All other topics we discuss in sessions are completely private and would only be shared to others per client request and consent, and would require the client to sign a Release of Information (ROI) form before I am legally allowed to speak with others regarding client treatment.

  • I expect you to show-up to therapy on time and ready to work. While therapy can have its moments of fun and laughter, we are here to confront struggles that are keeping you stuck. I expect you to be open to learning, growing, and receiving feedback. I expect you to work on lowering defenses and commit to practicing exercises and techniques taught in session in your day-to-day life. It is only when we take action steps that real change occurs. I expect you to give yourself permission to be bad at something new and make mistakes. Practice is how we learn. Learning fosters growth and awareness which creates change.

    I’ve had clients tell me that my therapy sessions have a “coaching element” to them because in sessions I teach exercises that help you learn how to take action steps. Moreover, I provide clients with “homework” to help them practice the skills they’re learning between sessions. This may look like completing a digital worksheet, watching a TedTalk, listening to a podcast episode, book recommendations, etc. While I believe in the power of talk therapy, I also know that change requires action and that’s why I assign assignments. We can talk about your roadblocks all day, but until action steps are implemented, change will not occur.

  • All sessions are teletherapy sessions, meaning sessions are held digitally over video, or over the phone. I am licensed in the states of California & Oregon. This means, you are allowed to login to session from anywhere as long as you are physically located in one of these states at the time of our appointment.

    If the client logs into session and is not physically located in the state of California or Oregon during our session time, the session will be canceled and the client will be charged in full.

    State Board regulations for therapy licensure only allows sessions to be held in the state(s) the therapist is licensed in.

    If you anticipate traveling outside the states of California or Oregon during a scheduled appointment, please let me know and I will reschedule your upcoming appointment for a later date, when you’ve returned to either state. If I am not given a 48hrs notice for rescheduling or you log into session from a state other than California or Oregon, the session will be canceled and you will be charged in full for a late cancellation.

  • Benefits: The primary benefits of teletherapy (also referred to as online therapy or telehealth therapy) are convenience and flexibility. As long as you have a computer or smartphone, you can access help from wherever it is most comfortable for you.

    This saves you time and money in traveling to a therapist’s office. In addition, you can avoid the stigma and confidentiality issues that occur by having to go to a place where you might see people you know.

    Providing psychoeducation to the client about therapeutic interventions can be done through screen sharing, thus allowing the clinician to seamlessly display videos, slideshows, and other visual aids to the client during session to help teach new skills.

    Some communities do not have access to therapy. Teletherapy gives people in rural areas therapy options that they never had before. Also, people with disabilities may have difficulty physically getting to a therapist's office.

    Although research into teletherapy is just beginning, the early evidence appears to indicate it is as effective as conventional therapy.

    Limitations: Despite its many benefits, there are some limitations to consider when deciding if online counseling is best for your particular needs.

    For some people, an online relationship with a therapist doesn’t feel the same as seeing someone in-person. Certain people may have difficulty connecting with their therapist through video. Because the therapeutic relationship is so integral to the success of therapy, this is an important consideration.

    If you are having serious difficulties (e.g., suicidal thoughts, self-harm, crisis management, recent psychiatric hospitalization, etc.) teletherapy may not be right for you. It can be much more difficult for a therapist to accurately assess a person if they are not in the same room. Additionally, if a crisis arises, therapists will want to be able to provide support for the client in-person. Further, certain types of therapy may not be conducive to online counseling. For example, if you need exposure therapy, that is more difficult to administer remotely.

  • Ashley Murtagh is a mental health therapist, MA & cannot prescribe medication.

    If you are seeking prescribed medication for your mental health, you will need to work with either your Primary Care Doctor, a Psychologist, or a Psychiatrist.