CBT Therapy

Anywhere in Oregon and California

Ashley Murtagh

“I fully believe that our thoughts create our reality, and that we have control over our thoughts…that being said - it’s something we have to practice.”

“Everything begins with our thoughts.”

Ashley Murtagh

Deep in your bones, exhausting.

All the “what-ifs” and all the other negative thoughts are playing through your mind - on repeat and the volume is on high.

And it’s been like this since 7 am when you snoozed your alarm for the 4th time.

You’re dreading hanging out with your group of friends today because you worry that you’ll feel awkward, won’t know what to say, won’t feel like you fit in, or that you’ll crack some corny joke that falls flat on your friend crowd.

And don’t get me started on groceries.

Telling yourself that you won't get your work in on time, that it’s not perfect, good enough, or there’s some mistake in there that’s going to implode your career…and basically your whole life…is the cherry on top when it comes to all your negative thoughts.

So numbing out with reruns on Netflix, hanging with your dog, taking anxiety medication (that works half the time), and keeping to yourself has been your “go-to.” 

It’s been the only way you have survived and functioned for this long.

And it’s not enough. Because you’re still on the struggle bus, and it’s been exhausting.

Like deep in your bones, exhausting.

And it doesn’t have to feel this way.

Going to get groceries is a beast of its own right?

Bumping into someone you know, feeling everyone’s energy around you, standing in line and thinking like everyone is judging you for what’s in your basket…thank all the goddesses for ordering groceries online and takeout.

Life can feel a heck of a lot better.

Just imagine going about your day with a sh*t ton more ease, effortlessness, and a serious pep to your step. Without being bogged down with anxiousness and negative thoughts.

Imagine actually showing up to all those social things feeling like a feather floating in the wind and ready to chat, ready for some laughs, and to just feel settled in your own body.

Imagine your thoughts are telling you that you’re ok, you get to relax, you’re safe, you get to say “no” and not bite off more than you can chew, and that the world isn’t going to implode around you every minute of the day.

And what if your thoughts just focused on what you are doing right here, right now.

You get to just enjoy your drive to work, to really taste every fricken bite of your sandwich, to just focus on your conversation with your friend…

…without being in your head with negative thoughts, worry thoughts, and panic.

Now that sounds really f*cking awesome right?!

All it takes.

All it takes is transforming your thoughts. One thought at a time.

You and I will dig into your thoughts and see where they are coming from and why.

And THEN we do the best part, where we start shifting them to totally different thoughts that create a completely different experience for you.

And then you can feel and see the magic happen.


We all get sucked into “thought traps” and the traps are lighter fluid to our anxiety and feelings of dread with the events happening around us.

So if we can find ways to have you get out of those traps with replacing and shaping thoughts so they are totally different…

…then holy sh*t you will literally be off to the races of a completely different experience.

One that has a lot more calm, cool, collected in it!

And peace, lightness, and relief.

Ready to see anxiety fade into the background?

Cue the calm, cool, and collected version of you that’s been waiting on the sidelines. Heck. Yes.