Mindfulness Therapy

Anywhere in Oregon and California

Some funny-as-sh*t-story.

You ever feel like you drove home and you don’t know how the heck you got home?

Or you’re with your friend, partner, family member - whoever - and they’re telling you all about their day or something that happened, and you haven’t been listening for 7 minutes now and are panicking because they just asked you a question and you have no idea what to say…

OR you ate your lunch, but have no clue how it tasted, what it even was, or if there was even mold growing on it?

The constant thinking and thoughts are consuming you, running the show, and causing a state of anxiousness and panic that’s taking over your body.

And it really f*cking sucks.

Because you’re missing out, right? You’re missing out on enjoying your fricken sandwich, your friend telling you some funny-as-sh*t story about their day, and you missed the sunset on the way home.

And all of that could feel so much more fun, more joyful, and more peaceful to be experiencing, than the thoughts that are racing through your mind.

Crispy crunchy chips.

So what if instead you could just be in the moment and just see, feel, and experience what’s now and in front of you?

Maybe you have a stressful work presentation, and instead of being in all the panic and fear of it imploding…

…you just focus on what word comes next. You focus on your glass of water in front of you. You focus on your breath, the pauses, and you focus on one spot in the room.

And that’s it.

What if instead of worrying about some dreaded social situation and not knowing what to say, if people are judging you, looking at you, etc…

…you just focus on one person, one conversation, and you get to know them more. Or you focus on some delicious crispy crunchy chips that are seriously making your day. Yesss!

Creating the life you dreamed of.

And then the anxiety isn’t taking over your whole life, right? You’re actually in the moment, not worrying about what’s next or the “what-if’s”.

You’re just you, and you’re experiencing the world more peacefully, confidently, and genuinely.

And everyone else feels that from you too. They feel your comfort, your confidence, your ease. And then the magic starts to really happen.

Work shifts, your relationships shift, you do more things…

…you really feel like you're creating the life you dreamed of. And you’re actually living in IT.

And not the anxiety.

And all of this is going to happen with strategies that don’t feel like a chore or another thing on your to-do list.

Finally watch the anxiety take a back seat with expert mindfulness and mindset methods.