Hey! I’m Ash

  • She/her, they/them

  • Addicted to kombucha and sparkle water

  • Would eat In-n-Out everyday if I could

  • Constantly daydreaming about Disneyland

  • 90s hip-hop and rap is my jam

  • I’ve seen every episode of the Kardashian’s

  • I speak through movie quotes

  • I’m sarcastic AF

  • Brownies are my favorite dessert

  • I get anxiety when flying

  • Plants bring me joy

  • "Ashley is amazing and I really value the sessions we had together! Overall, this has been my most successful therapy experience and I am confident I can continue to move forward without the extra support."

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  • "I love my provider. Ashley is so helpful."

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  • "Ashley is respectful, thoughtful, cultivates an open and compassionate environment and has been a key part to my progress. She has provided me with so many tools to do well in the future. She has been one of the best therapists I have ever had and I am so grateful for her!"

    Privately Disclosed

Some things you might hear my clients say about working with me…

She keeps it real, she’s relatable, she’s great at validating my experience, she’s really funny but knows when to stay serious, her energy is warm and inviting, I trusted her right away and felt at ease.

Spill the tea.

I get it. Finding a therapist can be hard, especially one you connect with and want to spill all the beans, skittles, and tea too.

Thinking about some stranger in front of you, taking in all of your secrets, possibly judging you, and asking you “How do you feel about that?”, can sound a little less than fun. Or a lot less than fun to think about.

I want you to know that it won’t feel like this when we work together. Ok, well I might ask how you feel about something (I am a therapist after all)...

But I will throw in a bunch of other things that help you feel 100% understood, like you have the tools to actually make some changes, and to see your life turn around.

And the anxiety will melt away.

It’s going to be a lot more than you think, and a lot more comfortable than you realize.

My Style

Well, if you don’t have a pretty good idea by now, I'm going to be real with you, and it’s going to feel like you have a human sitting in front of you that’s ready to be right there with you in it all.

No judging. Hey I’m human too.

No “shoulding” you.

No sitting there just looking at you with a blank stare.

No suit and tie.

Just me, with some serious strategies, expertise, a huge dose of humor while being serious when it’s needed, and a huge amount of warmth and understanding for exactly where you are at.

Professional Endorsements

"Ashley is a friendly, relatable and knowledgeable therapist. She is professional in her work, and remembers  to integrate fun into the process. She's a great listener, and will also tell you like it is if you ask. I can always count on her to give fantastic advice. Highly recommend working with her!"

— Leslie Mueller, LMFT

I’m already stoked to work with you, let me know if you have any questions!

The sh*t that makes me legit.

  • Oregon- Licensed Professional Counselor

  • California- Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor

  • Board Certified Art Therapist 

  • BA in Art Education from San Francisco State University 

  • MA in Marriage and Family Therapy from Notre Dame de Namur University